Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mel's First RTF Post

So I may just be one of the only seniors in RTF 305, but I don't mind.

I'm actually enrolled in this class mainly because it's a pre-req for the UTLA program that I'm taking a part in this spring. But I'm also glad I'm taking it, since I've heard good things about this class from non-RTF majors.

I've taken one other RTF class before - Culture in the Media, where we analyzed all sorts of media - from video clips to songs and how it's affected different cultural groups. I really enjoyed that class and probably assume that we will be analyzing movies and film in this class. I hope to learn more about the media and branch it off from what i've already learned in my comm classes.

I'm not an RTF major, if you guessed. I'm actually a journalism major, but I do want to focus on entertainment journalism. So hopefully this class will get me brainstorming about story ideas I can cover.

I've blogged for awhile now and actually have my own blog --- It's mainly just me and my thoughts splattered on screen. But enjoy.

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